Peter's Hacking Blog

Techobabble for enthusiasts

HTB Writeup: Pandora

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Pandora was a fun box. I got to learn about SNMP exploitation and sqlmap. Scanning the box for open TCP ports reveals only port 80 and 22. Not too interesting, but i'll check out the website. After

HTB Writeup: Driver

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I begin this htb like normal and scan for open ports. I see that 80 is open, so there's a web server. 135 and 445 are also open, so we know it also uses SMB. I also ran a gobuster in the background

HTB Writeup: Shibboleth

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It's been a while since I've touched HTB. I've been busy with work, school, research, and my personal life. I decided that with the start of the new semester, I might as well see if I can at least